
       Carmel Sharon Church is a Pentecostal church with a dedicated vision. We desire to serve God in purity, holiness, and truth. Our central motto is to Re-PAIR, Re-BUILD, and Dis-PATCH members at a personal level. We strive to train and direct each individual toward his/her calling for the service of God. Carmel Sharon Church is a mission-oriented body of Jesus Christ with a focus on balance and function in Five-Fold ministry.

      Re-PAIR – Those believers who are struggling in their walk with Jesus, having a disorienting vision, lifestyle, and impure Christian walk get guidance to realign themselves, where they repair themselves for the service of God. New believers get an opportunity to PAIR themselves with God and to establish themselves in the obedience of Jesus Christ. At Carmel Sharon Church, we guide the new believers, step by step, and in the Word of God so that they learn to stand on their own feet to fight their own battle till their last breath.

      Re-BUILD – Those believers who need to strengthen their foundation or restructure the damaged building (life in Christ), draw the right plan according to the Word of God, and rebuild themselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. At Carmel Sharon Church we encourage the members to rebuild the ruins according to the plan instructed by God. For new believers, Carmel Sharon Church is a place where we help them to lay a strong foundation for them to BUILD a new self, rooted and established in the love of Christ our Lord.

     Dis-PATCH – Carmel Sharon Church is a platform where we equip the saints for the service of God. Our goal is to send the workers into the vineyard to become faithful servants of God. We ensure quality training before he/she steps out for the work of God. Moreover, we encourage both men and women to serve God in the potential entrusted to them. For new believers, our church helps them PATCH with the love of Jesus. He (Jesus Christ) is the center of our teaching and we encourage every believer to love Jesus with all of their heart and live a life in accordance to the Holy Bible.


      Carmel Sharon Church is a nurturing ground for an individual’s holistic and spiritual development so that he/she is able to make an effective contribution to the society, where God has placed him/her.

Core Values

  1.  Worship
  2.  Unadulterated Word
  3. Purity and Holiness
  4. Water Baptism
  5. Holy Spirit Baptism
  6. Holy Communion
  7. Life of Faith
  8. Fellowship
  9. Love
  10. Social Work
  11. Mission
  12. Discipleship